The goal of water management planning is to contribute to the environmental, social and economic well being of the people of Ontario through the sustainable development of waterpower resources and to manage these resources in an ecologically sustainable way for the benefit of present and future generations.
Local waterpower companies (Ontario Power Generation, Orillia Power Generation Corporation, Algonquin Power Fund Inc. and Bracebridge Generation Ltd) worked with the Ministry of Natural Resources to develop a water management plan for the Muskoka River watershed. The Muskoka River Water Management Plan (MRWMP), which was implemented in 2006, takes an ecosystem-based approach to water management by considering the interests and concerns of all water users within the watershed (e.g. fish, wildlife, navigation, hydro generation, recreation, flood control etc.).
The Muskoka River Water Management Plan includes:
Operational plans for each waterpower facility or water control structure (dam)
Legally enforceable provisions for the management of flows and water levels
Compliance monitoring to ensure that waterpower industry facilities are meeting the requirements of the plan
Effectiveness monitoring program to determine whether the implementation of the plan results in the anticipated ecological and social improvements.
Plan updated December 2024, uploaded January 9, 2025. See the Cover & Table of Contents for a specific list of updates.
Muskoka River Water Management Plan
Learn about water management planning and view the MRWMP report.
Muskoka River Watershed
View maps and schematics of water control structures in the Muskoka River Watershed.
Water Levels Throughout the Year
How are water levels managed during different seasons?
Operating Regime & Daily Procedures
View a typical Annual Lake Operating Plan and download the Annual Operating Plan for your lake.
Checking Water Levels on Your Lake
Use data from the Real-Time Water Level Netowrk to calculate the water level on your lake.
For more information on the Muskoka River Water Management Plan, please contact:
Water Management Department
Bracebridge-Minden-Parry Sound District
Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources
1350 High Falls Road
Bracebridge, Ontario P1L 0L1
Phone: (705) 645-8747
The following links may be helpful to gain an understanding of the role and goals of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) in managing water resources.