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Your Link to Muskoka's Water!



Wetlands can be defined as being both:

  • Lands that are permanently or seasonally flooded by shallow water
  • Lands where the water table is close to or at the surface

Wetlands are characterized by

  • Being dominated by water tolerant plants
  • Developing hydric soils

What are hydric soils?

Hydric soils are soils that are formed under conditions of saturation, flooding, or ponding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions (conditions without oxygen) in the upper layers.


Types of Wetlands

There are four major types of wetlands

Find out more about the wetlands in Ontario.

Canada has taken a leading role among other nations in the conservation of wetland areas. Wetlands contribute to the environmental, economical and social well-being of the country.


Importance of Wetlands

Does the surrounding environment matter?

Wetlands form part of the surrounding area and are part of a healthy ecosystem. The majority of wildlife that rely on wetlands also live in upland areas for a portion of their life. Some endangered species rely on both the wetlands and the surrounding environment for a portion or all of their life cycle.


Protecting Wetlands

Wetlands are managed and protected through various pieces of legislation and organizations.

 Learn more about protecting wetlands.


Muskoka Wetlands

Muskoka has many wetlands that add to its diversity and beautiful landscape. They also help keep Muskoka's watersheds clean and beautiful.

Discover more about wetlands in Muskoka.