The following parameters are often monitored to provide an indication of water quality.
The Secchi disk is an 8-inch (20 centimeter) diameter, black and white disk attached to a dowel rod, PVC pipe, rope or chain. Inch or centimeter intervals are marked on the rod, pipe, rope or chain with permanent ink, paint or clamps.
This very simple sampling technique gives a good reading of water clarity.
The sampling methods and interpretation of the results are provided by the Ministry of the Environment.
Phosphorus is the nutrient that controls algal growth in many of Ontario's lakes. In general, more phosphorus means more algal growth.
Regular testing will identify changes in the nutrient status and/or the water clarity of the lake due to the impacts of shoreline development, climate change and other possible stresses.
Dissolved oxygen measures the amount of oxygen dissolved in water that is available for use by aquatic plants, shellfish, fish, and other animals. Oxygen gets into the water by diffusion from the surrounding air and as a waste product of photosynthesis. Sufficient oxygen levels are required in order to provide for life forms. Where there is low dissolved oxygen concentrations, aquatic animals are more vulnerable to adverse effects of other stressors.
Lake trout are the most sensitive local species and require a minimum of 6 mg/L dissolved oxygen to thrive.
In lakes that go anoxic (lose all oxygen) at the end of the summer or winter, phosphorus can be released from the sediment and may result in a late summer algae bloom.
Temperature affects many aspects of a lake, including:
Considerable increases in water temperature may decrease cold-water species populations (such as such as trout and stonefly nymphs), and increase large plant growth, thereby contributing to eutrophication.
pH is a measure of the acid concentration in a water sample. A pH of 7 is neutral. Values above 7 are basic and values below 7 are acidic. Lakes in Muskoka tend to be slightly acidic. Although this tends to be a natural condition, many lakes have experienced acid stress as a result of acid precipitation. These lower pH values strain fish and other aquatic animals and habitats.
Conductivity is a measure of the ability of water to conduct an electrical current. It is measured by the amount of electrical current passed through a water sample. Water conductivity is closely connected to the amount of dissolved substances in water. Conductivity can indicate the degree to which a watershed's bedrock and mineral soil resists erosion. Typically, low-conductivity streams have less groundwater input than high-conductivity lakes.
The following may be involved in testing for bacteria:
The Ontario Provincial Standard for E. coli in:
The Muskoka Watershed Council has developed guidelines for collecting bacteria data in recreational waterbodies.
Benthic monitoring involves collecting benthic macroinvertebrates (otherwise known as benthos), which are mostly aquatic insects or the aquatic stage of an insect. These insects live in, crawl upon, or attach themselves to the bottom of the waterbody.
Benthic monitoring can provide an understanding of a waterbody's condition because these organisms are sensitive to the smallest changes in chemical and biological factors. Their presence or absence provides valuable information about a waterbody's health over time. Benthic macroinvertebrates are relatively inactive, inexpensively sampled, and fairly easy to identify.
The reference conditon approach (RCA) to bioassessment involves the use of a set of minimally impacted reference sites to evaluate the condition of subsequent test sites. Test site data is compared to reference sites and an assessment of the level of impairment is produced. There are seven steps involved in applying the RCA to bioassessment:
(Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network Protocol Manual, Version 1.0, May 2004)
Once reference site data from minimally impacted sites across the province are collected and entered into a database, test sites will then be able to input data and generate an impairment value for their lake, stream or wetland. The Ontario Benthos Biomonitoring Network is currently in the process of developing this database, and requires more baseline data from minimally impacted sites to improve the accuracy of the database-generated assessments of impairment values.
Muskoka monitors watershed health through:
The program monitors approximately 190 sample locations across Muskoka on a rotating basis. The purpose of the program is to establish a long-term record of key parameters including phosphorus, dissolved oxygen, temperature and Secchi depth.
This program maps shorelines, vegetation and land use using a Geographic Information System (GIS) format. Data collected includes shoreline structures, shoreline vegetation, and near-shore land use.
Assistance is provided to lake association interested in a variety of monitoring protocols, many of which were listed above. Emphasis is placed on benthic and terrestrial programs.
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) runs the Ontario Lake Partner Program out of the Dorset Environmental Science Center, located in the eastern portion of Muskoka. The goal of the program is to protect the quality of Ontario's inland lakes by involving lake associations in a water quality monitoring program. Each year, hundreds of volunteers monitor for both clarity, using a Secchi disk, and nutrient enrichment, testing for total phosphorus.
The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) is involved in many watershed related issues. Water Resources Information Project is a project run by the Ministry of Natural Resources. They co-operate with all levels of government and partner agencies to:
The MNR also monitors specific lakes through the Muskoka Lakes Fisheries Assessment Unit.
The Federation of Ontario Cottagers' Associations (FOCA) encourages all lake associations to participate in the Lake Partner Program.
In 2005 FOCA has initiated the Docktalk program, which is a multi-year stewardship initiative to educate shoreline residents and improve the capacity of the Province's voluntary waterfront associations.
Many lake associations monitor a variety or parameters. Check the links below to learn more about these programs.
Benthic monitoring involves the study of the presence and abundance of bugs that live on the bottom of waterbodies. Benthos (water bugs) serve as an excellent early warning of threats to water quality, as they are greatly impacted by relatively small changes within their environment.
Monitoring terrestrial ecosystems is beneficial for long-term trend identification and overall ecosystem health assessments.
NatureWatch programs monitor local change in natural systems in order to understand broader climatic and ecosystem changes.
The Muskoka Watershed Council has worked with local lake associations and scientists to prepare a bacteria monitoring protocol for use by lake associations. When a lake does not want to use an accredited lab to analyze water for E. coli and total coliform, a home test kit called a 'coliplate' can be used. This method will give a reliable estimate of any bacteria contamination.
Invading Species Hotline: 1-800-563-7711
Invading species are one of the greatest threats to the biodiversity of Ontario's waters, wetlands and woodlands. Originating from other regions of the world, and in the absence of their natural predators or controls, invading species can have devastating effects on native species, habitats and ecosystems.
Invading Species Watch is a free volunteer-based lake monitoring program for aquatic invading species. It is an initiative of the Invading Species Awareness Program, which is a partnership between the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
Bird Studies Canada has a variety of volunteer based programs that provide information on the changing environment
The Toronto Zoo supports two monitoring programs that study ponds and wetlands.
The Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE), through the Lake Partner Program, supports lake associations in their lake monitoring programs by sponsoring a clarity (Secchi disk) and phosphorus testing program.